Last week a federal judge heard the first arguments in a lawsuit challenging certain provisions of the recently-enacted International Megan’s Law (IML),* including one mandating that the passport of any American required to register for a sex offense involving a minor be marked in “a conspicuous location” with a “unique identifier” of their sex offender status. Other challenged provisions of the law authorize the Departments of Homeland Security and Justice to notify destination nations of forthcoming visits from those individuals. On Wednesday the court heard a motion for a preliminary injunction that would block enforcement of the challenged provisions of the law pending the suit’s final outcome. See Doe v. Kerry, Case 3:16-cv-00654 (N.D. Ca.). Full Article
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This article and some others, state the IML only pertains to those with an offense involving a minor. Is that the understanding of the IML at this time?
In my experience OP Angel Watch has not been limited to those with an offense involving a minor. Mine involved an adult and they definitely pinged the country I was traveling to which caused issues.
It’s a no brainier.One World government will also need criminals created through unjust laws by which the rest can be kept under total control. I used to wonder what type of civil war will bring down America that Howard Zinn so clearly predicted,class or racial, but since I spent almost nine years in prison innocently and have been branded for life the answer came to me, it will be a war to restore basic human rights.